Workshop Karta Purkh Singh

Rubrik Karta Purkh Singh

Naturopath with his own practice – Therapeutic Yoga and NLP –
Executive Director 3HO Deutschland e.V.

When I first came in contact with Kundalini Yoga during my pedagogy studies in 1990, I was then in my early 20s, I experienced its stabilizing and healing power intimately. It did not take long for me to realize that I wanted to teach this form of yoga and pass it on to others. After training levels 1 and 2, I was looking for ways to impart Kundalini Yoga in a more purposeful way in one-on-one teaching and I began my education to become a naturopath. During that period my wife also introduced me to Evelyn Maß and Karsten Ritschl, who do terrific work in short term therapy and NLP while at the same time maintaining a high level of integrity. My education at their institute in Berlin has significantly influenced my work in my own yoga practice, which I have been operating together with my wife, who is a naturopath and NLP teaching trainer herself, since 1997. The collaboration with Guru Prem Singh, the “posture master” nominated by Yogi Bhajan, has decisively intensified my Yoga experience and provided me with a deeper understanding. I am very grateful to all the Yoga students I was allowed to support for brief or extended periods of time over the past 17 years of my yoga therapeutic work, who have time and again made me see the diversity and treasures of Kundalini Yoga.

My commercial work for Yogi Tea (15 years, Sales and Marketing) and, since 2007, for 3HO Deutschland e.V. as executive director of the association, provides a good balance between professional life and the yogic world. Many of my clients come to my practice with stress or nerve related symptoms. My work in an office makes it easy for me to understand the dynamics and challenges my clients face. I am very happy that we are able to impart and share our experiences through the professional yoga therapy training. Through this we lay the foundation for a wonderful holistic method that can be an important support and a path for healing and clarity for us in the coming years.