Jiwan Shakti Kaur
Every single emotion, every passion or action is determined by a hormone. A sense of well-being is the result of their balance. Happiness is a state of mind, based on the complex interplay of chemicals in the brain.
BE GOOD by dopamine, so you reach the goal, get what you want, feel great and able to sustain you and those you love.
FEEL GOOD by endorphins, so you feel safe, at home everywhere, laughing and crying without fear.
DO GOOD by serotonin, because you are great and you know it, you get and give respect and love, hugging the world.
Stress, food, incoherent lifestyle, menopause/andropause are some of the main causes of the loss of hormonal balance.
Come to discover the signals your body sends by an individual test of your glandular system, and learn how you can easily introduce changes in your life:
For being good, doing good, feeling good!
JIWAN SHAKTI KAUR is a Kundalini Yoga teacher and trainer. By focusing on the physical body, she reaches all its expressions and deeper layers: emotional, psychological, spiritual. Happy Hormones and Yogic Body Language are her deep field of study.
Based on her rich experience of nearly 30 years of Yoga and her professional background as an actress, producer and screenwriter, her approach is unique, full of sense of humour and perfectly combined with her in-depth study of Kundalini Yoga.
Jiwan Shakti is co-founder and Creative Director of SunGalaa – the toolkit for your destiny.